WHY Offers Mental Health First Aid Training

As part of its comprehensive effort to improve the healthcare work experience, WHY is offering a series of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) at Work certification trainings to SCHA member hospitals. Just as CPR provides skills needed to assist someone having a heart attack, MHFA equips hospital staff members to support those experiencing a mental health or substance use-related challenge or crisis.


WHY, an acronym that stands for Work, Harmony, You, aims to restore harmony to the relationship between work and the people who do it. SCHA’s goal is to find solutions for systemic, root causes contributing to healthcare worker burnout, disengagement, and turnover. MFHA training is one of several WHY initiatives to address sources of stress for healthcare workers. A series of virtual and in-person training sessions will be offered throughout 2024, with the first scheduled for March 27.


MHFA is an interactive, skills-based training program that teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges. Participants will gain skills and confidence needed to provide initial support to a colleague who’s struggling.


“The MHFA at Work Certification builds a supportive and compassionate network, helping to ensure our SC hospitals are fostering a culture of mental wellbeing by providing necessary and valuable support to care team members,” said Jen Wright, SCHA’s Director of Workforce Experience. “Mental Health First-Aiders come away with a better understanding of how to care for their own wellbeing at work as well as actionable strategies to respond to and support others during challenging times.”


The MHFA course will cover:

  • Risk factors and warning signs of mental health and substance use challenges,

  • Strategies for helping in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and

  • Where to turn for help.


The first training will be held virtually on Wednesday, August 28th from 10am-2pm. Two hours of pre-work are required for each registrant. Enrollment is limited to no more than three participants per hospital facility, and the deadline for registration is August 7th.

Click here to register.


For more information or to ask questions about the training, contact Emily O'Sullivan at eosullivan@scha.org.


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Reimagining WHY